
The subject of the project should be something that allows for more insights into popular culture.  Subjects like sports or music already allow for people tot be easily interested in the material and participation have a chance at being very large.  Also connections to existing popular culture makes making the connections vast a lot easier.  From the last project it was easy to see that anything connecting to mass popular culture incites much more interest than trying to publicize original content.  Also, these subjects tend to be more flexible in the kinds of content that is appropriate to post.  The subject for my group of this last project made it hard for us to post any kind of humorous material since given the topic it didn’t seem very appropriate.  Parodies as we’ve learned are fascinating material that show amazing participation from people and thus show a real connection to the original material presented.  Subject material that is flexible allows for us to try more of these kinds of media to engage audiences and allow us to see what kinds of connections they are able to make.

The next project should also focus on connecting multiple types of media platforms.  When looking specifically at examples of saturation this would make sense.  Seen by my group’s case study, multiple platforms would allow us to see the connection between the type of social media platform and the way that the audience connects with the material.  We could see how people interact with websites that provide structured information and sites like Facebook and Twitter that encourage creativity, participation, and personal connections.

This would all serve to increase the impact that our project would have.  In the last one we didn’t see much impact and effect that our work had on people.  I believe this to be because the material itself wasn’t very flexible to work with and restricted directions we could take the project in.  By combing more options that we can reach our audience by working with subject material that is popular and flexible we could encourage more creativity and participation from our audience and avoid fems of clicktivism.  Also by focusing on connecting multiple social media platforms we can see how the way our material is presented effects our audience’s level of attention and participation.  This would also show what saturating a larger area of the online social sphere would do to an audience in comparison with our last project that involved a smaller portion of the internet.

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